How to enter the virtual tour

How to enter the virtual tour
When the page opens, wait a few seconds to see the whole image. The image starts automatically; you can stop the image you want to navigate by clicking on it. After a few minutes it will be easy to understand the way it works.
When you get to the page of the image at 360°, if no image appears you need to download the program Java Virtual Machine, essential to see the photographs.
This is easy to do with no risk, you just need a link to the website indicated on the page you wish to see.

click to enter the foto gallery at 360°

Bedrooms The territory How to get to us Contacts Fotogallery Virtual Tour
Motel 70 - Via Granelli, 75 - 29010 San Nazzaro di Monticelli d'Ongina (pc) - Tel. 0523 820175 - partita IVA 00863640330 - C.C.I.A.A. R.E.A. iscrizione n° 012855 - -

Motel 70 | NEBRA di Manfredini Ennio e C. S.a.s. | Sede: Viale Po 46 - 26100 Cremona | PI OO863640330 | C.C.I.A.A. R.E.A. iscrizione n° 012855 -
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